CSI Home Page. Read the latest news from the Community Security Initiative and be introduced to CSI’s Regional Security Directors and get their contact information.
Security Grants Update. Find CSI’s tips, guidance, tutorials and videos for the federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) and the NY State Securing Communities against Hate Crimes grant programs.
Prequalify in NY. NY nonprofits must “prequalify” before they submit for any grants administered by DHSES or DCJS. Find NYS tutorials along with CSI tips, with a special section focusing on how religious corporations (houses of worship and many schools) should reply.
Summer Camp Security Initiative. CSI expanded and now has a full-time dedicated security expert to help enhance security at summer camps in New York State to help develop Emergency Operations Plans; provide Active Threat Training and Counselor Training; serve as a liaison to local law enforcement; and provide Security Assessments for Grants.
CSI Trainings. CSI will provide a range of training opportunities for your staff, your leadership, and your constituencies.
Consultants’ Corner Archives. View past episodes of CSI’s popular Consultants Corner, focusing on topics such as Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) requirements, post-grant bidding, managing a security project, deep dives into security equipment and more.
NY DHSES Grant Page. The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services administers the federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) for NY applicants and grantees. Find the Request for Applications (RFA), tutorials, grant administration materials and more at their website.
NY DCJS Grant Page. The NY State Securing Communities against Hate Crimes (SCAHC) grants are administered by the NY State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). DCJS is the final word on NY State submissions. Find the Request for Proposal and more documents at this site.