More info on the NYS Sandy grant opportunity

August 01, 2013
Thanks to Edie Mesick of UJA-Federation of NY’s Government Relations Department for digesting and distributing information on this opportunity. The latest information can be found immediately below. Scroll down for the information on the grant.

Additional information has been posted by NYS OCFS on the Federal SSBG RFP opportunity for funding for certain Superstorm Sandy losses not covered by other resources. Use this link to view the Q&A post.

From our brief review, of particular interest are the following points:

  1. Houses of Worship and Parochial and private schools are eligible to apply for this funding (assuming that the services are provided to a population that was directly impacted by Sandy and that the program meets all other eligibility requirements).
  2. Insurance deductibles are eligible for reimbursement under the Sandy SSBG.
  3. For sites that were damaged that you rent, the entity responsible for the building would have to be an eligible applicant.

Use this link to view the bidder’s conference and access the PowerPoint used during the conference, for more insight that might help you in determining whether to apply for this funding.

Hint: In order to be considered for this grant all not-for-profit organizations must be prequalified in the Grants Gateway by the time of contract award. To register go here.

Superstorm Sandy Social Services Block Grant (SandySSBG)

NYS has $200,034,600 in federal Superstorm Sandy Social Services Block Grant (Sandy SSBG) funding for eligible health and human services providers. Sandy SSBG resources are dedicated to covering necessary expenses resulting from Superstorm Sandy, including social, health and mental health services for individuals, and for repair, renovation and rebuilding of health care facilities, mental hygiene facilities, child care facilities and other social services facilities.

Sandy SSBG funding must be used for costs that are 1) directly related to Superstorm Sandy and populations that were impacted by it; and 2) not reimbursed and not currently eligible for reimbursement by the federal government (including FEMA), private insurance and any other public or private funding sources. Duplication of benefits is prohibited. Read More More info on the NYS Sandy grant opportunity

Protecting your cyberlives

July 31, 2013

DHS has an excellent resource: the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT). Their website has information ranging from Computer Security 101 to advanced information for IT professionals.

Remember: Scams, bots and viruses continue to proliferate. Use caution when opening email messages and take the following preventive measures to protect themselves from phishing scams and malware campaigns.

  • Do not click on or submit any information to webpages.
  • Do not follow unsolicited web links in email messages.
  • Use caution when opening email attachments. Refer to the Security Tip Using Caution with Email Attachments for more information on safely handling email attachments.
  • Maintain up-to-date antivirus software.
  • Users who are infected should change all passwords AFTER removing the malware from their system.
  • Refer to the Recognizing and Avoiding Email Scams (pdf) document for more information on avoiding email scams.
  • Refer to the Security Tip Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for more information on social engineering attacks.

Other great information for non-techies from the US-CERT website.

Top 10 Ways to Improve the Security of a New Computer

  • Top 10 Ways to Improve the Security of a New Computer Because our computers have such critical roles in our lives and we trust them with so much personal information, it’s important to improve their security so we can continue to rely on them and keep our information safe.Virus Basics
  • Virus Basics Learn about viruses, what they can do to your systems, and how to avoid them and lessen their impact.
  • Home Network SecuritySecuring Wireless Networks In today’s connected world, almost everyone has at least one Internet-connected devices. With the number of these devices on the rise, it is important to implement a security strategy to minimize their potential for exploitation (see Securing the Internet of Things). Internet-connected devices may be used by nefarious entities to collect personal information, steal identities, compromise financial data, and silently listen to—or watch—users. However, taking a few precautions in the configuration and use of your devices can help prevent this type of activity.
  • Staying Safe on Social Networking Sites The popularity of social networking sites continues to increase. The nature of these sites introduces security risks, so you should take certain precautions.

Updated: Bomb Threat Guidance 2013

June 25, 2013

OBP_DHS DOJ Bomb Threat Guidance Image

Did you hear the one about a forgetful British bridegroom who made a hoax bomb threat rather than admit he’d neglected to book the venue for his wedding? He was sentenced to a year in jail.

What should you do if your organization receives a threat? The FBI and DHS released a new “pocket” bomb threat guidance document available here. It provides a two-page overview to help  you deal with bomb threats: planning and preparation, your “emergency toolkit”, what you should do if you receive a threat, how to assess the threat and the possible responses.

Now is a good time to review, or to think through your own plans. Our own Emergency Planning: Disaster and Crisis Response Systems for Jewish Organizations has a longer chapter discussing the issue. Learn how to handle a phone threat with this checklist.

Finally, read an New York Times account of an October 15, 2012 bomb threat (with an actual pipe bomb) to the Home Depot store in Huntington, NY. The store’s bomb threat plan was put to good use.

The NSGP application period is closed | Next steps

June 11, 2013
Security Grant Website Use 2013
Use of the JCRC Security Grants Assistance website: 2013

This year, the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services received 228 applications for Nonprofit Security grants. JCRC’s Security Grant Assistance site welcomed nearly 800 unique visitors in just two weeks (we had a national audience), viewing over 4,000 pages of information.

FY 2013 NSGP Applications will be reviewed through a two-phased State and Federal review process for completeness, adherence to programmatic guidelines, feasibility, and how well the Investment Justification (IJ) (project description and justification) addresses the identified risk.

A. NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) Review:

DHSES staff will conduct an initial review of each application submitted to ensure that each of the following questions have been answered positively. If any of the answers are “no,” the application will be disqualified without further review and consideration for DHS review.

  • Was the application submitted by 11:59 p.m. on June 10, 2013?
  • Is the application complete?
  • Does the applicant organization currently have IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status?
  • Is the applicant organization registered, has recently applied for registration, or is exempt from registering with the Charities Bureau of the NYS Attorney General’s Office?
  • Is the proposed project site or facility located within the approved Urban Area of the New York City Metropolitan Area?
  • Is the applicant a responsible vendor as evidenced by the completed and signed and notarized grantee responsibility questionnaire? (Consistent with provisions of the State Comptrollers’ Bulletin G-221.)
  • Applicant provide up-to-date documentation of New York State Workers’ Compensation and Disability Benefits coverage or exemption (see Attachment E)?
  • Obtained and provided Dun and Brad Street Number?
  • Is a copy of the mission statement attached to your application?

B. State Administrative Agency and Urban Area Workgroup Review:

A review will be conducted by the NYC Urban Area Working Group (UAWG) in coordination with DHSES as the State Administrative Agency (SAA).  This portion of the review will focus on:

  • Need – The relative need for the nonprofit organization compared to the other applicants
  • Impact – The potential impact of the nonprofit organization in achieving maximum prevention and/or protection results at minimal cost

This review will produce a score of up to 40 points total. Applicants that have not received NSGP funding in the past will receive one bonus point on their total NY application score. Each application should receive a unique rank. Based on this review, NY DHSES develops a prioritized list of NSGP projects and submit the NY application scoring and ranking to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security by June 24, 2013.

C. Federal Review: The highest-scoring IJs from each submitting Urban Area will be reviewed by a panel of Federal evaluators. The list of successful grantees will be released some time before September 30, 2013.

Mail screening: best practices

May 31, 2013
Make sure that you and your employees are vigilant!

The recent ricin-laced mailings should serve as a reminder that organizations and leaders should be vigilant about their mail screening processes. This is especially true for Jewish organizations taking public positions on gun violence.

A comprehensive “Best Practices for Mail Screening and Handling” guide from DHS is available here. Check out Safe Mail Handling from DHS and find the USPS page on mail security, including suspicious mail and packages, here.

Terrorism’s Threat to Cities Large and Small | Ray Kelly

May 29, 2013

Raymond W. Kelly | Commissioner, NYPD

FBI-NEIA Major Cities Chiefs Conference
Grapevine, Texas
May 29, 2013.

Thank you for that introduction Charlie. I want to commend you, the FBI National Executive Institute and the Major City Chiefs for bringing us together and organizing such an excellent conference. A few months ago, as part of the group’s constant efforts to stay ahead of the curve and plan for this conference, I was asked to touch on the subject of technological-driven policing in my presentation. In light of recent events in Boston and the United Kingdom, I believe a more appropriate title would be: “Terrorism’s Threat to Cities Large and Small.” That is what I’d like to talk to you about today.

In the wake of the bombings at the Boston marathon last month and the savage killing of a British soldier at a military barracks in Woolwich, southeast of London a week ago, much has been written and said in the media about the so-called “new normal,” the underlying threat we face from homegrown, smaller-scale, yet still very lethal terrorist attacks. From the standpoint of New York City there’s not much new about the “new normal” at all. We’ve been contending with it for some time and so have others.

In June 2009, Abdul-Hakim Mujahid Mohammed, formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe, carried out a drive-by shooting on an army recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas killing two soldiers. He told police that he had intended to kill as many army personnel as possible. Later that same year, U.S. Army Major Nidal Hissan opened fire at the Fort Hood, Texas Soldier Readiness Processing Center, killing 12 soldiers and one civilian and wounding more than 30 other people. In the past year-and-a-half alone, 38 people have been arrested on terrorism-related charges in the United States and Canada, from New York; to Chicago; Tampa; Mobile, Alabama; Aurora, Illinois; Toronto; Broward County, Florida; and Southern California to name a few.

A big reason for the increase in the tempo of arrests is the outstanding work of the FBI to identify would-be terrorists and apprehend them. In New York, we’ve benefited tremendously from our partnership with the FBI through the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

We’ve been the subject of 16 terrorist plots since nine-eleven targeting everything from subways, to synagogues, to airports and iconic locations like Times Square, Wall Street, and the World Trade Center. They’ve been defeated thanks to good work by the NYPD, our federal partners, some combination of the two or just plain luck. However, we are concerned that the success, from a terrorist point of view, of the latest attacks in Boston and London, coupled with the notoriety they’ve received, could inspire even more attempts in venues beyond major cities. Indeed this is already happening, as we saw in the case of a French soldier stabbed outside of Paris last weekend.

With that in mind, there are three main points I’d like to make today. First, the terrorist threat to the U.S. homeland remains severe, complex and unrelenting. Second, medium sized cities such as Boston are now in play for terrorism events. Third, the crude and simplistic attacks Al Qaeda has been encouraging its followers to carry out are now being realized. As we’ve seen, they’re capable of doing tremendous damage.

Let’s start with the enduring threat, which we see emanating from three distinct but intertwined sources. One, Al Qaeda central, which is based primarily in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Though diminished greatly by the U.S. military, it still has a functioning leadership as well as an ability to communicate and spread the core ideology that fuels radical islamists worldwide. Al Qaeda central still burns with an intense and unrelenting hostility toward America. Its leaders believe they are at war with the United States and that time is on their side. There’s no doubt that key leaders, foremost among them Ayman al-Zawahiri, have not and will not give up on the hope of executing another nine-eleven scale attack. Their ability to accomplish this at the moment is severely constrained, maybe even negligible, as many in the U.S. intelligence community believe. But it would be a mistake to assume their desire to carry out a mass attack on American soil does not persist to this day. The group’s resilience – indeed, its continued existence in the face of the pounding it has absorbed from the U.S. and our allies for more than a decade — means we cannot assume they will abandon their goal to incur mass casualties.

Next is the spread of Al Qaeda allies and affiliates throughout Africa and the Middle East. The list of these groups continues to grow. They include: Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula, based in Yemen and the source of numerous plots against the United States; Al Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, based in Algeria with a growing capacity to act beyond its base; Al Shabbab, Al Qaeda’s Somalian affiliate which continues to attract followers from the Somali diaspora here and abroad; Ansar al Sharia in Libya, responsible for the Benghazi attack; and Ansar al Dine, the Al Qaeda affiliate fueled by weapons and personnel coming from post-Qadaffi Libya. Then there are Al Qaeda networks in Egypt’s Sinai desert, something rarely seen before the Arab spring.

Two other Al Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations stand out in importance today. The first is Al Qaeda of Iraq, considered defunct as recently as 2008. Its powerful re-emergence is a measure of the resilience of such groups. The second is the Al Nusra front in Syria, an Al Qaeda organization spawned by Al Qaeda in Iraq. It leads the rebellion against the Assad regime and is fueling the global jihad by attracting personnel from around the world, including North America.

So how do these affiliates overseas pose a threat to us in the United States? For one thing, they send Americans back home to attack us here.

In 2009, one of the highest-ranking members of Al Qaeda central recruited Najibullah Zazi, a native of Queens and a resident of the Denver-Aurora area, to carry out attacks on New York City. Zazi and two associates had travelled to Pakistan hoping to fight U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Instead, they were given training in explosives and sent back to the United States armed with the knowledge to build a bomb. Their plot was subsequently defeated through a joint investigation between the NYPD and the FBI.

In 2010, authorities in Chicago arrested Pakistani-American David Headley. Headley had met with leaders of Lashkar-E-Taiba in Pakistan, an Al Qaeda like-minded group, and conducted surveillance for its November 2008 commando assault on Mumbai.

At least 20 young men from Minneapolis, all of Somali descent, joined Al Shabbab in Somalia over the past few years. Our concern is: what happens if those who survive return to the U.S.?

In 2009, Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula dispatched Umar Abdulmuttallab, the underwear bomber, to blow up an airliner over Detroit. One year later, the same group dropped off two “printer bombs” at UPS and FedEx offices in Yemen addressed to the United States. The aim was to blow up the deadly cargo in planes over the eastern seaboard of the United States. Fortunately, the packages were intercepted in England and Dubai.

In 2011, Samir Khan, the intellectual father of Al Qaeda’s on-line magazine “inspire,” was killed in a U.S. drone strike. Khan was a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Of late, we’ve seen how the Al Nusra front in Syria is attracting individuals from places such as Illinois to the battlefield there.

Beyond Al Qaeda core, its affiliates, allies and like-minded groups, the danger from homegrown terrorists is a growing feature of the threat landscape we face in the United States and elsewhere. Inspire magazine and propaganda like it provide an easy road map for getting involved. The most infamous example of that is the 2010 Inspire article entitled, “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom,” a how-to guide for using readily available household materials to build a bomb. It has now become the go-to manual for terrorists bent on destruction, as was the case in Boston and a number of the plots against New York.

Travel to training camps abroad simply isn’t necessary and increasingly, it’s not part of the profile we uncover when a homegrown terrorist is revealed. The daunting, almost invisible nature of those pursuing “individual jihad” transforms the threat in an important way. Most importantly, it places mid-sized and even smaller urban centers in the United States in the crosshairs of terrorism. For the individual jihadist, size matters less. You can’t get much less complicated then running someone down with a car and then hacking him to death with a meat cleaver and long knives. If terrorism is theater, New York and London will always be in the spotlight. But I think we learned with the Boston marathon that all the world is becoming a stage.

While the world was horrified by these events, Internet chatter among the jihadi forums we check regularly shows that many think of the perpetrators in Boston and Woolwich as heroes. In both cases, we saw that the terrorists were prepared to confront police and die for their cause. Officers in Watertown and Woolwich did heroic jobs, but you can see what we’re up against. Unfortunately, you don’t need much more than a crude explosive device to kill, maim, and capture the world’s attention all at once. This means each of us has to be more vigilant than ever.

The challenge with big, complicated terrorism plots is the potential for catastrophic consequences. But they are easier to spot. The challenge with the attacks we saw in Boston and Woolwich and the several that have failed in New York are that they’re small and hard to detect. Faisal Shahzad was on no one’s radar when he drove his SUV filled with explosives into Times Square in May 2010. We just got lucky in that he elected to use less potent ingredients in the hopes of avoiding detection during his acquisition of them.

The ease with which terrorists can travel within the United States and beyond also makes inter-agency cooperation a must. For this reason the NYPD created Operation Sentry. This is a dynamic, intelligence-driven partnership among 140 police and law enforcement agencies throughout the northeast and other parts of the country. Its premise is built on real world events. For example, the plot to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993 was hatched across the Hudson River, in New Jersey. It was there that the chemicals were mixed, that the truck bomb was assembled and laced with cyanide. The staging area was well outside New York City. In 2005 when suicide bombers struck the London transit system, they did so using explosive-filled backpacks assembled in the city of Leeds, 180 miles north of the target. And Faisal Shahzad constructed his car bomb in Connecticut.

Our partners in Operation Sentry include the Boston Police Department. Immediately after the bombings in Boston, we assigned a lieutenant and two sergeants to the Boston Regional Intelligence Center to gather information. Last week we hosted a group of 20 members of Massachusetts law enforcement to discuss policing major events including July 4th.

In the aftermath of the attacks, we also dispatched a lieutenant from our intelligence division to Youngstown, Ohio to meet with executives from Phantom Fireworks. This is the company that unwittingly sold the fireworks to both the Tsarnayev brothers and Faisal Shahzad that they used to construct their bombs. We want Phantom to spread the word to its employees working at 1,200 locations nationwide to be aware that individuals seeking to build explosive devices could exploit their products. We’re asking them to deny or flag suspicious purchases and to alert us if they believe there are possible links to terrorism. This is part and parcel of our Operation Nexus program, in which we partner with thousands of business owners in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey to heighten their awareness of potential terrorist activity. We’ve also established a program with 11,000 members of the region’s private security industry, sharing information and training through an initiative called NYPD shield.

To defend ourselves we must also maintain a good working relationship with the FBI and other federal partners through the Joint Terrorism Task Force. Despite the disagreements you’ve heard about from time to time, the NYPD and the FBI have a strong and essential partnership. Having said that, elected officials and their police chiefs have an obligation to do all they can to protect their citizens. In order to do that, they need to know the severity of the threat. Local police departments must insist on receiving as much information as soon as possible.

The only way to catch a lone wolf is through shared intelligence gathering. That’s why our efforts to defend against terrorism must be proactive, so that we can find those who are in the earliest stages of planning violent acts and stop them. Often times, the use of undercover police officers may be the only effective way to identify homegrown terrorists who are often living here legally and operating alone or with just one or two accomplices. Ideally, through strong partnerships, good intelligence and expert analysis, we’ll identify plots in their earliest stages.

In New York, we’re also installing an expanded network of smart cameras and license plate readers which, when tied together, greatly enhance investigations. Smart cameras have the capacity to alert us to the presence of suspicious packages before they detonate, should one be an actual explosive device. Cameras are a very powerful tool for law enforcement. In my opinion, you can’t have enough of them. We should all be encouraged by the fact that the public is overwhelmingly supportive of their use. Recent polls show 80% approve. Although excellent in helping to apprehend suspects after the fact, this technology still amounts to “just in time” prevention. The vast number of targets available to terrorists make it virtually impossible in all instances to intercept a device after its been planted. Ideally, we need to disrupt plots long before the backpack is left on the sidewalk.

To sum up: good intelligence remains the key to prevention. The threat of terrorism has not diminished. It is here to stay and we have to face that reality. Intelligence gathering is essential, including the use of undercover officers, to meet the continuing threat of terrorism lawfully and effectively. Technology is a powerful tool but it has its limitations. Finally, partnership and information sharing have never been more important in keeping our cities safe.

The fight against terrorism is a long haul, one that all of us are in together. Even with combat thousands of miles away, the front can return to our own backyards at any time. We all have to be prepared for that eventuality. The good news is that U.S. law enforcement is better prepared than ever before to meet the threat. And we will only become more so as a result of this conference and our continued collaboration. Thank you again for this opportunity to speak and let’s keep up the outstanding work together.

NY Application Package Released | More JCRC assistance

May 29, 2013

The NY application package is posted here.
(Thank you Val)

All NY applicants must submit their materials via E-Grants by 11:59 PM on June 10, 2013.

  1. Check this blog and often. We update existing and create additional materials. Find valuable additional assistance and suggestions at JFNA’s homeland security web page (registration required)
  2. Webinar. Click here to view a recording of the JCRC Webinar on the Nonprofit Security Grant Program application process here and the slides here.
  3. Nonprofit Security Grant Checklist 2013. The checklist is a step-by-step guide to help you complete the application package. Download it here.
  4. NY required attachments. This year applicants are required to submit a number of additional forms. Find out more here.
  5. Mission statement. Applicants will be required to upload their organizational mission statements along with theirInvestment Justification. We haven’t checked this, but it is likely that organizations that have not attached their mission statements will not be considered for a grant. Fear not. We posted What is a mission statement? to guide organizations without a mission statement.

Nonprofit Security Grant: Webinar and more info

May 23, 2013

2013 Nonprofit Security Grant Program Webinar

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
2:00 PM

Learn about the grant requirements and the NY E-Grants system.

Click here to RSVP. You will be sent a confirmation with the connection links. The system requires a high speed computer connection and speakers or headphones.

Our friends at NY DHSES are hard at work getting out the formal application package. However, you can get started immediately (remember: the grant is due on June 10, 2013). Since the guidance was released:

  1. Changes from last year. The grant application is essentially the same as last year. We have updated the JCRC Security Grants webpage at:
  2. Nonprofit Security Grant Checklist 2013. The checklist is a step-by-step guide to help you complete the application package. Download it here.
  3. Investment Justification template. Many people (including yours truly) were frustrated that DHS only posted a PDF copy of the template. A working template is now available on the JCRC Security Grants webpage. Click here to download a copy. (Thank you Val!)
  4. Mission statement. Applicants will be required to upload their organizational mission statements along with their Investment Justification. We haven’t checked this, but it is likely that organizations that have not attached their mission statements will not be considered for a grant. Fear not. We posted What is a mission statement? to guide organizations without a mission statement.
  5. E-Grants system. New York  applicants must submit their grants through the E-Grants system. If you have a E-Grants account and remember your information you need not do anything else. If you need to be reminded of your account name and/or password, send a note to  New applicants must fill out an E-Grants Registration available in two formats: doc pdf.

The NY DHSES package should be available on or before Tuesday, May 28th, but you have plenty to do before then.