Hope for a security grant program in 2013

March 14, 2013

After conferring with the staffs of key members of both chambers on both sides of the aisle, we are cautiously optimistic that there will another round of grants this year. The efforts to renew the grant program are led by the Washington office of the JCPA. William Daroff, Rob Goldberg, Ron Soloway of UJA-Federation of NY and David Pollock of JCRC-NY attended a whirlwind round of meetings in Washington, DC.

Our group learned that Senate Appropriations Chair, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, hammered out a Continuing Resolution, together with her ranking Republican, Sen. Richard Shelby, that included $10 million dollars for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. As written, the funding will be subject to sequestration (about a 5.1% reduction), but that DHS/FEMA could not redirect the funding elsewhere. At this time, we understand that the Senate Continuing Resolution was carefully preconferenced (negotiated) with the House and arguably should be adopted with few changes. However, trouble always seems to find the House and Senate and procedural hurdles and the amendment process could get in the way.

If there is a 2013 program the application period might be very short, e.g., 2 weeks. If you are thinking of applying for a grant we strongly suggest that you check out our Security Grant Assistance Page because we expect that there will be minimal changes in the application process. Have all of the materials for your Investment Justification (your vulnerability assessment and the answers to the questions on the 2012 Investment Justification) ready to submit before Congress acts. If a new round of grants is announced you will be able to quickly determine any changes in the 2013 Investment Justification and merely cut and past your answers into the 2013 spreadsheet.


Remembering Ari

March 01, 2013

Ari Halberstam Memorial Ramp

On the anniversary of the 1994 Brooklyn Bridge terrorist shootings, Devorah Halberstam speaks out about gun violence in the NY Daily NewsI know too well what guns can do and on NY1 Online: Ari Halberstam’s Mother Speaks Out On Gun Rights.

NY1 Online: Mother of Teen Murdered on Brooklyn Bridge Discusses Efforts to Honor Son’s Legacy. Twenty years after her son was murdered on the Brooklyn Bridge, Devorah Halberstam, the mother of Ari Halberstam, told Inside City Hall what she is doing to honor her son’s legacy and continue the fight against terrorism. (03/03/2014 09:55 PM)

House passes disaster relief for houses of worship

February 14, 2013

Thanks to the leadership of our own, Rep. Grace Meng, and Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), the House passed the Federal Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act of 2013 with an overwhelming, bipartisan vote (354 – 72). We are grateful for their support that of the co-sponsors: Rep. Eliot L.Engel, Rep.  Trent Franks, Rep. Michael Grimm, Michael G., Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Rep. Peter King, Rep. Frank LoBiondo, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, and Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr., and to all in our delegation who voted for the measure.

The legislation clarifies the Stafford Act to allow FEMA to reimburse houses of worship for uninsured, disaster-related damages at the same rate as other non-critical nonprofits, “without regard to the religious character of the facility or the primary religious use of the facility”.

As Avi Schick pointed out in a recent Wall Street Journal Op-ed: “Nobody suggests that government should entirely rebuild sanctuaries or pay for the printing of prayer books. But if roofs are being repaired and other structural damage is being remediated, the religious nature of what might occur below shouldn’t matter.”

As of February 1, 2013, 86 churches and synagogues had individually registered with FEMA and requested Public Assistance. In addition, 125 damaged Catholic churches are included in two applications. Daily, we hear about churches, mosques and synagogues that have not even applied, under the impression that they are not eligible.

The application deadline is February 27th in the New York  area. Applicants can download the forms below:

Entertaining Disaster Preparedness 101 videos

February 05, 2013

MetroKC“A Tale of Disaster and Preparedness,” the fun and informative video series created by the Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee of Greater Kansas City, won first place in the Public Awareness Award of the IAEM. The episodes are 2-3 minutes each, with a lot of good information. View the entire video series on  YouTube.

Hurray! FEMA extends the nonprofit public assistance deadline

January 29, 2013

RPA Submission Date Extended to:

  • February 27, 2013 (Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond and Suffolk Counties);
  • March 2, 2013 (Rockland and Westchester Counties);
  • March 13, 2013 (Orange, Putnam, Sullivan and Ulster Counties);
  • February 16, 2013 (Greene County)

Our review of the submissions indicates that many organizations did not submit a complete application package consisting of:

  • Request for Public Assistance Form
  • Drug Free Workplace Form
  • Applicant Certification
  • OSC Substitute Form W-9
  • DUNS Number Form
  • State Tax Exempt Form / IRS Letter
  • PNP Questionnaire
  • Back-up Information
    • Organization Charter or By-laws
    • Publications/ brochures that describe your organization
    • Description of membership policies or fee structures

Applications missing critical elements will not be considered, so we urge you to check whether you submitted all of the items above. You can download all the forms here. Most nonprofit organizations are required to fill out an SBA application, too. Click here to find our SBA Nonprofit Application Checklist and forms (even if you do not intend to accept an SBA loan you must fill out these forms in order to satisfy the bureaucracy).

Should you have any questions or need assistance feel free to call Marcia Eisenberg (212.983.4800 x137) or David Pollock (212.983.4800 x132) or to email either at info@jcrcny.org.

Shooters in schools: Protecting our children

December 19, 2012

Shooters in schools: Protecting our children

Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
UJA-Federation of New York
The Jewish Education Project of New York
Westchester Jewish Council &
JCRC-Long Island

in cooperation with
New York City Police Department & other law enforcement partners

Tuesday, January 8, 2013active_shooter_guide-640x400
10:30 AM-1:00 PM
UJA-Federation of New York
130 East 59th Street (at Lexington Ave.) 

Last week’s tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary inevitably leads us to consider whether we are doing everything we can to prevent such an event in our local schools.

Many of you are likely already conducting security assessments and exploring your options, but we invite you to come together with other NYC day schools and yeshivot to collectively learn from the experts how to be prepared and how to respond in such an event. Lunch will be served.


  • Prevention: Upgrading your physical security and access policies to deter attacks
  • Active Shooter Responses and Recommendations (NYPD SHIELD)
  • Creating a customized response plan that suits your building, your culture and your people

Shooter attacks are dynamic events that defy cookie-cutter approaches to “best practices”. However, this workshop will offer recommendations that can mitigate the risks of an attack.

For security purposes reservations are required. Click here to reserve for this important workshop or go to (http://bit.ly/UJpM6s). For further information email David Pollock at info@jcrcny.org or Darcy Hirsh at hirshd@ujafedny.org.

FEMA grants extensions for nonprofits and SBA loan applicants

December 18, 2012

Nonprofit RPA Submission Date Extended to:

  • January 28, 2013 February 27th (Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond and Suffolk Counties);
  • March 2, 2013 (Rockland and Westchester Counties);
  • March 13, 2013 (Orange, Putnam, Sullivan and Ulster Counties);
  • February 16, 2013 (Greene County)


SBA Physical Damage Loans

The notice of the President’s major disaster declaration for the State of NEW YORK, dated 10/30/2012 is hereby amended to extend the deadline for filing applications for physical damages as a result of this disaster to January 28, 2013.

Active shooters, again and again

December 18, 2012

JCRC, UJA-Federation and the Jewish Education Project will join with the NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and NYPD SHIELD for a half day session on “Active Shooters in Schools: Protecting Our Children”. Stay tuned for details.

The following recommendations were circulated in July. They are the basis for sound planning.

Recommendations (scroll down for resources)
There are no perfect solutions, but planning and training can mitigate active shooter incidents. The first step is maintaining good access control. Keeping someone who wants to do harm outside is the best way of protecting those inside.

  • Evacuate: Building occupants should evacuate the facility if safe to do so; evacuees should leave behind their belongings, visualize their entire escape route before beginning to move, and avoid using elevators or escalators.
  • Hide: If evacuating the facility is not possible, building occupants should hide in a secure area (preferably a designated shelter location), lock the door, blockade the door with heavy furniture, cover all windows, turn off all lights, silence any electronic devices, lie on the floor, and remain silent.
  • Take Action: If neither evacuating the facility nor seeking shelter is possible, building occupants should attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by throwing objects, using aggressive force, and yelling.
  • Other considerations?
    • Train building occupants to call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.
    • Train building occupants on how to respond when law enforcement arrives on scene.
    • follow all official instructions, remain calm, keep hands empty and visible at all times, and avoid making sudden or alarming movements.


Sandy Hook shootings: making our children safer

December 16, 2012

The experts are still assessing the shooting at the elementary school in Newtown, CT and our hearts and prayers go out to the families who lost their precious children.

While the authorities gather additional information, the ongoing lesson of active shooter situations is the need for access control (for ideas see Sample Building Access Policies and Procedures from the JCRC-NY). An adequately locked door, coupled with a screening system that limits access to authorized individuals, is the best way to keep people safe.

DHS, NY DHSES and the JCRC-NY will host trainings on armed intruder attacks in January and February. Here are some other resources to assist you in developing active shooter responses:

  • The New York State Department of Education has mandated that all school districts implement emergency response plans, which were updated in April 2003 to address terrorist threats. The plans require schools to interact with local law enforcement and emergency service providers. Please see New York State Homeland Security System for Schools.
  • Review the NYPD’s publications, Active Shooter: Recommendations and Analysis for Risk Mitigation for recommendations and analysis for risk mitigation in active shooter scenarios and the presentation: Response to an Active Shooter.

FAQ’s re nonprofit disaster assistance: grants vs. loans

December 05, 2012

Some are confused about the kinds of grants and loans available to nonprofits. If you have any specific questions feel free to contact David Pollock (212.983.4800 x132) or Marcia Eisenberg (212.983.4800 x137) both can be reached at info@jcrcny.org. Here’s a sample of the questions coming to us:

Read More FAQ’s re nonprofit disaster assistance: grants vs. loans