Kudos to Manhattan DA and NYPD on synagogue bomb plot conviction

December 05, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg, DA Cy Vance and Police Commissioner Kelly announce the arrests of two plotting to blow up Manhattan synagogues.

Considerations for digital & online security at Jewish institutions

November 28, 2012

The hackings of 82 synagogue websites during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense by the “Moroccan Ghosts” brought appropriate responses from law enforcement agencies. The intrusions should remind us that cybersecurity is in our own hands. The following recommendations from the ADL make sense.

Read More Considerations for digital & online security at Jewish institutions

Loan program for nonprofits impacted by #Sandy

November 27, 2012


Loan Program will provide at least $26 Million of Interest-Free Loans to Help Nonprofits Rebuild

Pro-Bono Lawyers Will Provide Legal Service to Impacted Nonprofits

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today announced several efforts to support New York City’s nonprofit organizations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Building on a strong commitment to support and strengthen the nonprofit sector, the initiatives include the NYC Nonprofit Recovery Loan Program, a $26 million bridge loan program, pro-bono legal assistance dedicated to nonprofits, briefings regarding federal reimbursements and filing procedures, updated nonprofit assistance information on NYC.gov and support for nonprofits at the NYC Restoration Centers. The NYC Nonprofit Recovery Loan Program is supported by funders including the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City, the Ford Foundation, Capital One Bank, the Robin Hood Foundation and The New York Community Trust. It will be administered by the Fund for the City of New York. The program will provide interest-free loans ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 to New York City nonprofits impacted by Hurricane Sandy and will cover losses associated with the disruption of operations and property damage. Priority will be given to organizations that have suffered the most severe losses and/or are operating in the worst affected areas, and will be made against expected claims to be filed with the nonprofit’s own insurance company and with FEMA, as well as against committed government, foundation and corporate contracts and grants. Read More Loan program for nonprofits impacted by #Sandy

Deadline extension for FEMA nonprofit assistance

November 27, 2012

Many kinds of nonprofit organizations that were affected by #Sandy are eligible for “public assistance” from FEMA. The grants cover at least 75% of an organization’s uninsured and underinsured damages and certain labor and equipment costs directly related to storm response. If you have any specific questions feel free to contact David Pollock (212.983.4800×132) or Marcia Eisenberg (212.983.4800×137) both can be reached at info@jcrcny.org.

Thanks to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, NY Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NYDHSES) Commissioner Jerome M. Hauer and its Chief of Public Assistance Christopher Holmes; the deadline for nonprofits applying for FEMA assistance is now December 30, 2012 January 28 February 27th in NYC, Nassau and Suffolk (see later posts for other counties).

We hear the collective sigh of relief, but remember: each nonprofit applicant will have a FEMA/NYDHSES team assigned on a first come-first served basis. Organizations should submit the complete Request for Public Assistance package as outlined below (found here) ASAP. You are not considered an applicant until all documentation is submitted. If you delay submitting the package you will be further back in the queue. To help the team assigned to you, try to make your initial submission as complete as possible.

If you have any specific questions feel free to contact David Pollock (212.983.4800×132) or Marcia Eisenberg (212.983.4800×137) both can be reached at info@jcrcny.org.

Read on for specific guidance to complete the forms.

Read More Deadline extension for FEMA nonprofit assistance

Guidance for Synagogues Impacted By #Sandy for Preserving Possibility for Financial Aid from FEMA

November 20, 2012

Thanks to Nathan Diament of the OU IPA and Jarrod Bernstein of the White House for their work with the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA on the following (adapted from the OU IPA):

In the context of Sandy related damage, FEMA provides supplemental funding (after insurance payments are exhausted) for the repair and restoration of infrastructure and facilities to pre-disaster condition.

Nonprofit entities that can qualify for such financial aid include hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, day care centers, libraries, museums and senior centers located in Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Putnam, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester Counties.

(Several years ago, in the wake of a natural disaster that damaged the Jewish day school in Seattle, the Orthodox Union worked successfully with the Bush Administration and allies in Congress to amend the laws and regulations which govern FEMA to clearly include non-public — including parochial — schools in the class of entities eligible for FEMA reconstruction funds.)

Immediately in the wake of the storm, the OU’s Washington Office initiated discussions with senior officials at the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (under which FEMA operates) to establish the eligibility of houses of worship — including synagogues — damaged by Sandy for FEMA reconstruction funds. We are making progress, but the discussions are ongoing.

In order for synagogues to preserve their ability to potentially receive reconstruction aid, applicants must complete a Request for Public Assistance within 30 days of the declared event (it has been amended to December 13, 2012).

Therefore, if your shul has sustained damage due to Hurricane Sandy, we urge you to file the forms included in the Request for Public Assistance package.

The disaster number is: FEMA-4085-DR-NY.

In the lower section of the Request for Public Assistance form: you should:

    1. Check the box “Yes” that your synagogue is a private non-profit organization, and
    2. Describe your organization on the next line as “community center and library” as well as any other descriptors listed in the lower section of the form if you provide such services in your synagogue (i.e., day care center, homeless shelter, senior citizens center).
    3. Only describe your synagogue as a “school” if your school is an accredited elementary or secondary school (K-12).

The forms and the supporting documents listed at the bottom of the form should be sent to:

New York State Office of Emergency Management
1220 Washington Avenue
Building 22, Suite 101
Albany, NY 12226-2251
(Fax: 518-322-4984)

NYPD steps up security due to Gaza violence

November 16, 2012

Jewish institutions should take prudent measures to increase their  vigilance.

    • US Postal Inspection Service Guide to Mail Center Security (PDF) Written mainly for large organizations, the Guide will help all organizations to set up solid policies and procedures.
    • Sample Building Access Policies and Procedures (PDF) Learn how to balance the goals of having your institution be both welcoming and secure.
    • Security Awareness (PDF) Terrorist acts and other attacks are often preceded by active surveillance of a target location; learn how to detect hostile surveillance before an incident occurs. By Paul DeMatties, Senior Advisor on Corporate Security Programs and Director of the Counter-Terrorism Assessment Program, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

The NYPD has stepped up security around the United Nations, various diplomatic missions and other sensitive sites throughout the city amid increased violence in Gaza, a department spokesman said Thursday.

There were no specific threats, but the security measures were put in place as a precaution as violence mounts in the Mideast, the spokesman said.

The increased security presence comes as Palestinian militants barraged Israel with nearly 150 rockets on Thursday, killing three people as Israel pressed a punishing campaign of airstrikes on militant targets across the Gaza Strip.

Israel launched the offensive on Wednesday, killing the head of Hamas’ militant wing and destroying dozens of rocket launchers.

FEMA nonprofit aid forms and info

November 15, 2012
  1. Links to forms for FEMA aid to nonprofits are listed below.
  2. If your nonprofit organization suffered damage during the storm, fill out a Request for Public Assistance. By submitting the form you will put yourself in the queue and a team will follow up with your organization. They are responding to applications on a first-come-first-serve basis, so the earlier that you submit the faster the response will be. There is a 30 day deadline. We don’t know when they started counting, so submit the form NOW!
  3. FEMA will give assistance to certain types of nonprofits (see pp. 9-10 of the Applicant’s Brief). If your organization is not on the list, fill out a Request for Public Assistance anyway. We are working at liberalizing the definitions (Thanks to Jarrod Bernstein of the White House and Nathan Diament of the Orthodox Union). File even though it is unclear what types of nonprofit entities will be considered eligible or later it becomes apparent that you don’t need FEMA assistance.  There is no penalty for applying in order to meet the deadline when things are unclear or in flux.

Active Declarations


Hurricane Sandy
Declaration Date: October 30, 2012
Incident Period: October 27 – Continuing

Security Advisory: Pillar of Defense Operation in Gaza

November 14, 2012

ADL LogoToday, in response to intensified rocket attacks from Gaza, Israel began a military operation named “Operation Amud Anan” or “Pillar of Defense,” targeting Hamas and Islamic Jihad leadership, and rocket launching sites and weapon storage facilities.

Between October 22-24, 2012, seventy-seven rockets were launched against Israel, and from November 3-4, 2012, more than 100 were launched, with many landing in Israeli population centers. Today, as part of this operation, an Israeli airstrike killed Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari, who Israeli security sources say was responsible for anti-Israel terror activity emanating from the Gaza Strip over the past decade, including the abduction of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006.

Individuals seeking retaliation for the operation may be drawn to Jewish or Israeli targets. ADL currently has no information regarding a specific threat against any Jewish institution. Nonetheless, it is worth taking extra precautions.

Below are strongly recommended action steps.

Action Steps

    • Review and practice security procedures.  In particular, review with all personnel their role in security.   Ensure that your staff members, including newly hired personnel, and all volunteers know what to do in the event of an emergency.
    • Instruct staff and congregants to keep their eyes and ears open for anything unusual or suspicious. (See more information below.)
    • Ensure that your institution’s rules and procedures dealing with who gets into your facility (access controls) are sufficient and enforced.
    • Review mail handling practices and procedures. If vigilance has slipped in mail and package delivery safety procedures, now is the time to revisit this area. (See more information below.)
    • Make sure that any security devices, communications equipment, and/or video cameras are working properly and being properly used.
    • Connect with local law enforcement to discuss security.  If you have not established personal relationships with key police personnel, set up a meeting to do so.

Suspicious Activity

Keep your eyes and ears open for: 

    • Unusual behavior
    • Suspicious packages and strange devices
    • Requests for information, particularly about your security system or procedures
    • Attempts to by-pass or test your security
    • Someone taking photographs or video of your institution
    • Someone sitting in a vehicle for an extended period of time; and/or
    • uncooperative or dismissive behavior

If someone’s behavior strikes you as suspicious, make note of:

    • Details about their behavior
    • Gender, age, and physical description
    • What they are wearing
    • A description of any vehicle by make, color, and license plate
    • The date, time, and location of the occurrence

Trust your instincts. If something strikes you suspicious, contact law enforcement immediately.

Suspicious Packages

All letters and packages should be hand-sorted and screened for the following:

    • Powder
    • Excessive postage
    • Misspelled words
    • Addressed to title only (e.g., President or Rabbi)
    • Rigid or bulky exterior
    • Badly-typed or written
    • Strange odor
    • Lopsided
    • Oily stains on wrapper
    • Wrong title with name
    • Protruding wires

Note: In addition to these indicators, your observations and intuition are two vital elements in identifying suspicious packages.

If you are suspicious of a package:

    • Stop. Don’t open, handle, shake, taste or smell.
    • Isolate the area immediately; keep others away.
    • Call 911.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water.

You may refer to ADL’s security manual Protecting Your Institution and find additional information on creating a security plan, access control, crisis management, and more, at ADL’s security website: www.adl.org/security.

FEMA meetings on assistance for nonprofits

November 12, 2012

Please note the meetings below. We don’t yet know which nonprofits will be eligible for FEMA assistance, so it’s best to get the information and to fill out the Request for Public Assistance.

Public assistance (Infrastructure Support Program) for Hurricane Sandy-related activities is available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for qualifying nonprofit entities, including hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, day care centers, and senior centers located in the following counties: Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, and Westchester. Information related to applying for FEMA assistance, including an Applicant Handbook and Request for Public Assistance (RPA) forms, is available on the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM) Web site at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/oem/recovery/. The FEMA Public Assistance program provides supplemental reimbursement (after insurance is deducted) for the repair and restoration of infrastructure and facilities to pre-disaster condition.  The program is focused on organizations that have sustained extensive disaster losses.

Important:  FEMA determines whether a Private Non-Profit (PNP) is eligible.  This is an evolving process, and categories of eligibility may change as the specifics of Hurricane Sandy’s impact become clearer.  We strongly encourage you to attend an Applicant Briefing regardless of whether or not your organization type is listed as eligible in FEMA guidelines.

Applicants should attend a kickoff meeting in the county in which their facility is located. The kick-off meeting will provide an overview of the application process and review the necessary documentation needed to apply for FEMA assistance. The scheduled dates and times are provided below by county. Meetings are expected to last approximately two hours.





New York City

Wed, 11/14


10:00 a.m.

  2:00 p.m.


255 Greenwich Street, 8th Floor

New York, NY


Thur, 11/15

10:00 a.m.

  2:00 p.m.



255 Greenwich Street, 8th Floor

New York, NY


Fri, 11/16

10:00 a.m.

 2:00 p.m.

49-51 Chambers Street

RSVP: http://goo.gl/ooifS



10:00 a.m.

  2:00 p.m.

49-51 Chambers Street

RSVP: http://goo.gl/ooifS


Thur, 11/15

10:00 a.m.

  2:00 p.m.

  7:00 p.m.

Nassau County Legislative Chamber

1550 North Franklin

Mineola, NY


Tues, 11/20

10:00 a.m.

Rockland County Fire Training Center

35 Fireman’s Memorial Drive

Pomona, NY


Wed, 11/14

 9:30 a.m.

Suffolk County CC West Campus

Crooked Hill Road

Brentwood, NY


Wed, 11/14

1:30 p.m.

Suffolk County CC East Campus

121 Speonk-Riverhead Road

Riverhead, NY


Tues, 11/13

 9:00 a.m.

 1:00 p.m.

Westchester County Center

198 Central Avenue

White Plains, NY

To RSVP for a FEMA Applicant Briefing at 49-51 Chambers Street, please complete the RSVP form here: http://goo.gl/ooifS. Limit two attendees per organization.

Application Eligibility, Requirements and Process

The following facilities are generally eligible for assistance:  educational, utilities, irrigation, emergency, medical, and custodial care facilities and facilities that provide essential government services.  Those that provide “other essential government services”, must be open to the general  public include, irrigation facilities, museums, zoos, community centers, libraries, homeless  shelters, senior citizens centers, shelter workshops, and health and safety services of a  governmental nature.

Applicants must complete a Request for Assistance (RPA) within 30 days of the declared event. In this case, that is by November 29th, 2012. After an entity submits a completed set of documents, institutions will be contacted to schedule a kickoff meeting, which is the initial meeting between FEMA, the State, and the applicant to discuss eligible projects for public assistance. FEMA will be represented by a Public Assistance Coordinator (PAC) and NYS OEM will be represented by a Public Assistance Liaison. This team will assist the institution in completing any necessary Project Worksheets and facilitate the public assistance process. These worksheets will be due 60 days after submission of the RPA. Please note that FEMA does not cover expenses otherwise covered by insurance policies or payers.

Private Not for Profit (PNPs) Institutions must also include:

    1. State Tax Exempt Form
    2. PNP Questionnaire
    3. Official E-mail Address
    4. Back-up information (Organization Charter or By-Laws, Descriptive Publications, Description of membership policies or fee structures)

More information about the remainder of the process, descriptions of eligible work, and the required documents can be found on OEM’s website at http://www.dhses.ny.gov/oem/recovery/
