New York, January 31, 2022 – On Monday evening, New York City Mayor Eric L. Adams gave a Leadership Briefing to the JCRC-NY Assembly during the organization’s meeting to elect a new President and Chair.
Click HERE for all press coverage.
At the briefing, Mayor Adams noted, “I am not a new friend, I’m an old friend – I’m on familiar ground whenever I visit JCRC. It’s built in your culture to show respect to all human begins – to make the city a safe place to raise children and families.
On discussing responses to the rise in antisemitism in New York City, the Mayor said, “It breaks my heart – when I look and see the increase in antisemitism in this city and how much people don’t really appreciate the beauty of our diversity and as the Mayor, we want to put in place some real tangible short-term and long-term ways of how to come together as a City. No one understands this better than JCRC. In your interfaith and intercultural activities – you intentionally reach out and ensure that people come together and collaborate – I like to say cross-pollinate our cultures and ideas.”
While commenting on the increase in hate crimes, Mayor Adams said, “We also must be clear on those who participate in hate crimes. We are going to make sure every crime is investigated and as fast as possible, make an apprehension. It is crucial to send the message that hate has no place in our city.” The Mayor continued, “I want to hit reset with my police department. We’re going to build back support for our police. A safe city from gun violence, hate crimes, a safe city from antisemitism.
The Mayor also commented on the necessity to build and strengthen relationships between diverse communities, “Anytime you have a 14 year, 15 year old draw a swastika on a building, that’s a clear indicator that we have failed by not introducing them to the cultures and rich contributions that all of our brothers and sisters of different faiths have contributed to this City, particularly the Jewish community.”
Turning to the subject of school-based anti-hate education, the Mayor noted, “We also want to look into our schools. We have a captive audience, every day with young people. We must be more intentional of having them do class projects communicating together, working in groups and seeing how we can walk through our communities and point out different locales synagogues, dress, attire, what it is to go to a Baptist Church, the Mosque, or just simply learn different foods and flavors and sounds of a community; a classroom cannot only be in the sterilized environment of four walls.”
Finally, Mayor Adams called on JCRC-NY for assistance to achieve his goals for our City: “I need your help and partnership to do so.”
“JCRC-NY is honored to have hosted Mayor Eric Adams in these early days of his taking office. The Mayor has been a longtime friend to JCRC-NY and has been engaged with JCRC-NY throughout his years of service. Many of his priorities mirror those of our organization, most especially in regard to ensuring the safety and welfare of Jewish and non-Jewish New Yorkers and their institutions. It is so appropriate that on the same day that the Mayor addressed JCRC-NY, we launched a new Partners Against The Hate Fellowship, together with the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, dedicated to building bridges across the diversity divide in our City. We look forward to deepening our relationship with the Adams Administration and identifying new initiatives to improve the quality of life for all,” said Gideon Taylor, JCRC-NY Executive Vice President and CEO.
At the Assembly Dr. Bennett W. Golub and Dr. Cheryl Fishbein were elected as JCRC-NY President and Chair respectively. Click HERE for announcement.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) serves as the primary community relations agency for the Jewish community in the metropolitan New York area. JCRC-NY builds relationships to advance the values, interests, and security of the Jewish community and to create a more interconnected New York for all.